Automatic mesher for thin-shell structures in Rhino
With click of a button you get nicely meshed and properly connected thin structures, ready for FEM analysis.
- Optimal triangular meshing of surfaces, better than Rhino's algorithms
- Uniform size remeshing of meshes
- Automatic stitching of gaps between edges of surfaces and meshes
- Resolving intersections and stitching that allows gaps between perpendicular surfaces
- Automatic resolving of complex intersections between meshes
- Optimization and simplification of non-manifold edges after resolution of intersections
Future features
- Adaptive-size meshing and remeshing
- Automatic cleaning of small parts (e.g. artifacts after intersection)
- Optimization of triangles quality
- Re-checking if holes occured to be filled
- Automatic cleaning of defective triangles
- Interactive remeshing of specific parts
- Quadragulation to obtain pure-quad or quad-dominant meshes
Enter MeshellAuto into the command line. Manipulate the following options:
- Remesh = whether to use uniform remeshing techniques (On), or use default Rhino meshing techniques (Off)
- BaseSize = how large should cells be
- GapsTol = maximum tolerance for stitching gaps between objects
- IntersectTol = maximum tolerance for intersection algorithms for non-manifolds
After preparing the options, simply select bunch of surfaces and/or meshes to be remeshed and merged.